You can be sure that there will be minor changes to this itinerary.

Check back here closer to ride day. We'll also hand out printed copies for you in Miami.

Miami to Key West


Novotel Miami Check-Out

Do NOT leave a maid tip  -- we have generously tipped for you.


Bring your bags to our luggage truck in front of the hotel absolutely no later than 8:45 a.m.

Need additional luggage tags? Bring your bags to the truck – happy to help.

6:45 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.

Wonderful breakfast downstairs in the lobby, starting at 6:45 a.m.  Included in the price of the trip – no tipping please.  Just sign the check they present you at breakfast and we'll do the rest.

8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.

Starting at 8:00 a.m. Our professional bike mechanic, will be in front of the hotel if you need any last-minute tweaking.  

9:00 a.m.

You should be in front of the hotel, 100% ready to ride -- already been to the bathroom, had the mechanic work on your bike (if needed…), wearing your bike clothes, luggage dealt with, water bottles filled, digital route files ready (if you're into that sort of thing – NOT required!)

We'll have plenty of printed route sheets and the route is painted on the ground.

We have two routes today: 15.1 miles or 38 miles. Both are very flat.  Everyone starts from in front of the hotel.  When you reach the 15.1 mile mark (at Starbucks, where we are happy to buy you a drink) you can keep going to do all 38 miles or you can stop right there and we'll give you a lift with your bike to the hotel. You can decide right on the spot which plan you prefer.

Mr. Tutis Fruties – DO NOT MISS!

Right before the finish we'll stop at the amazing Mr. Tutis Fruties. This bland looking storefront in a strip mall looks closed from the outside and has zero décor but serves amazing fresh fruit cups, smoothies, and mysterious drinks – just ask the friendly staff.  

Whatever fruit snack, drink, or paleta (Mexican ice cream bar) you order it's on us – just show them your wristband.

You can get whatever you want, but be aware that even the SMALL fruit cup is HUGE.  

Please note that a vendor has started selling Mexican food inside the store, but it is NOT covered on our tab.  Catching a lift with us from Starbucks to the hotel? Not to worry – we'll stop at Mr. Tutis Fruties for you too!


Today's ride ends here:

Travelodge Florida City/Homestead

409 SE 1st Ave

Florida City, FL 33034

(305) 482-1961

As you'll see, Homestead is a tacky little city at the gateway to the Florida Keys.  (We like to think of Homestead as one giant Burger King…)  The town DOES have it's hidden gems… if you know where to look!  (And we know where to look!)

We will be hanging out by the pool with some simple snacks, cold drinks, and adult beverages.  Check in at the front desk when you're ready.  Your bags will be in your room.  Your bike goes in your room too.

4:00 p.m.

Our pro bike mechanic, will be hanging out poolside, but don't be shy about asking him for help with your bike!

6:00 p.m. -- Dinner

Meet in front of the hotel for a flat bike ride to dinner (2.6 miles each way).  This is a really fun ride lead by Glen – don't miss it!  If you'd rather catch a lift in our van that's fine. NOTE: If you are pedaling, bike lights are MANDATORY – front and rear.  We'll pedal back to the hotel together after dinner.

Clothing & Gear

This ride is VERY flat so you may or may not want to wear your full cycling gear.   Dress is casual.

You can always find the latest version of the daily schedule at